519.453.2940 Fairmont Animal Hospital

EmmaGrace Morris, ACA

October 9, 2018
EmmaGrace Morris

Since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to work with animals. Through the years, my passion and love for helping animals continued to grow. I decided to go into the veterinary field and joined the Fairmont team in September 2018.

My first pet was a stray cat that decided she wanted to become apart of my family. Little did we know that the cat that we named Miss Mew was pregnant. She later gave birth to five beautiful kittens.

What I love about my job is being able to help animals in need. I hate seeing animals in pain, so I made it my goal in life to help animals when they need help the most.

My favourite thing about the clinic is how happy, friendly and kind the staff, the clients and even the animals are. The atmosphere in the clinic is truly wonderful, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Can’t forget about the adorable animals too!

A fun fact about me is that I have an obsession with Japan. Everything from the culture, traditions, way of life, music (J-Rock and J-Pop), manga (graphic novels), anime (short for animation) and their Cat Cafés.