519.453.2940 Fairmont Animal Hospital

You Can Count On Us To Care

February 10, 2016
vet training

Young woman with a dog at veterinarian

The Doctors and Staff at Fairmont Animal Hospital continually strives to keep apprised on new developments in the field of Veterinary medicine; to do so we attend conferences, lectures and seminars on a regular basis. This continuing education affords us the opportunity to keep our knowledge up to date and in turn offers you peace of mind in knowing your pet is being cared for by a well-educated, knowledgeable and caring staff.

In the past few months many of us have attended a variety of seminars on the following topics

Our aim at Fairmont Animal Hospital is to provide the highest level of health care for both you and your companion. Our commitment to continuing education allows us to learn, grow and develop new skills to help keep your canine or feline friend as happy and healthy as possible throughout all their life stages. We have many more educational opportunities planned for the upcoming months ahead and plan to share this information with you through, in clinic education, annual visits and the blog feature of our web page.

We are available to discuss any questions you may have about the health and well-being of your pet and we ask you call us directly at the clinic anytime you have a question or concern.